Some Of Barry's Clients
Over the years I've had the great honor and pleasure to work for a wide variety of clients, organizations and venues. It's always a great joy to be able to assist fellow musicians knowing that the piano I've just tuned for them will both enhance their performance and help them better communicate with their audiences.
Below is a list of just some of the many clients I've had the privilege of working with.
Instructors, Accompanists and Pianists
William Browning, master pianist, accompanist, instructor
Margaret Nichols, pianist, instructor
Dr. Josette Behrend, pianist, instructor
Bette Coulson, pianist, instructor
Diane McCarty, pianist, instructor, choir director
Barbara Eckholm, pianist, accompanist
Gisella Goettling, voice teacher, vocal and choir director University of Chicago High School
Bein & Fushi, for Pinchas Zuckerman and Ruggerio Ricci violin master classes
Kevin Cole, pianist, performer, music director: Royal George Theater
Greg Walters, pianist, vocal coach, performer (The Irish and How They Got That Way)
Ann Wheat, pianist, instructor
Sonia Kass, pianist, accompanist, choir director
Ron Hawking, His Way, a musical tribute to Frank Sinatra
Celeste Rue, pianist, accompanist-Lyric Opera; The Opera Factory
Sheri Owens, choir director, Highland Park High School, member Chicago Symphony Chorus
Ann Breeden, pianist, accompanist, instructor-De Paul University
Richard Young, violist, The Vermeer Quartet
Dr. Thomas Wibbels, organist, choir director-SS. Peter and Paul church in Naperville
Chris Nakielski, choir director Loyola Academy, pianist, performer
Kevin Wood, accompanist, pianist, instructor
Paul French, conductor and choir director, The William Ferris Chorale
Paul Anka
Lennie Kravitz
Bette Midler
Josh Groban
Bill Gaithers
Sarah McLaughlin
Norah Jones
Jack Johnson
Harry Connick Jr.
Richard Marx
Clubs and Halls
Curtiss Hall
The Opera Factory
The Cliffdwellers Club
Bryn Mawr Country Club
Conn Music Centers
American Music World
Highland Park Community House
Bobbie Packer Designs
Union League Club Arts Foundation
Green Acres Country Club
Large Venues and Theaters
Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra
Appletree Theater
Mercury Theater
Famous Door Theater
Drury Lane Theatre Chicago
WGN Continental Broadcasting
Dreihaus Museum
Brightside Theater
Schiller Park School District 81
VanderCook College
Elm Place and Wayne Thomas Schools
Highland Park High School
The Oak Park and River Forest Children's Chorus
Oak Park and River Forest High School
Leyden Township High Schools
Houses of Worship
Unity Temple (a Frank Lloyd Wright design)
Bnai Torah and Beth El Synagogues
Lake Forest Baptist
Irving Free Church
Aurora Christian Science
Trinity Church of the North Shore,
Emmanuel Zion in Chicago and Aurora
SS. Peter and Paul Church, Naperville
Many other churches, synagogues, and houses of worship throughout Chicagoland
Recording Studios
Red Brick Recording Studios
Phase Recording Studios